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How to reject time


Describes how to reject submitted timesheet. Normally a timesheet should be approved unless their is a discrepancy in the timesheet.

Who can access this page?

To approve a timesheet, a user must have approval access. Click here to view how to setup a user to approve time.


Menu ApprovalUnapproved Timesheets tab

Instructions (See screenshot below)

  1. View the Banner
    The banner on the top of the screen will show how many timesheets are awaiting approval. The example below shows that their are two timesheets awaiting approval. Once all timesheets are approved, the banner will turn green indicating all timesheets have been approved.
  2. Reject Time
    Find the timesheet you wish to reject and click the Reject button. This will popup a window.
  3. Final Rejection Process
    Verify the time and date range. Optionally add a comment if needed as why you are rejecting this timesheet. Then click the Reject Timesheet button and the timesheet will be rejected. The timesheet will now be editable so the user can change the timesheet and fix the reason it was rejected.


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